Best quotes by Oriana Fallaci on War

Checkout quotes by Oriana Fallaci on War

  • Alas, nothing reveals man the way war does. Nothing so accentuates in him the beauty and ugliness, the intelligence and foolishness, the brutishness and humanity, the courage and cowardice, the enigma.
    - Oriana Fallaci
  • I've always disliked kamikazes, that is, people who commit suicide in order to kill others. Starting with the Japanese ones from World War II. I never considered them Pietro Miccas who torch the powder and go up with the citadel in order to block the arrival of the enemy troops at Torino. I never considered them soldiers.
    - Oriana Fallaci
  • War is something Arafat sends others to do for him. That is, the poor souls who believe in him. This pompous incompetent caused the failure of the Camp David negotiations, Clinton's mediation.
    - Oriana Fallaci
  • Have you ever thought that war is a madhouse and that everyone in the war is a patient?
    - Oriana Fallaci
  • When you have been born in a war like me, living in a war as a child, when you have been in wars as a war correspondent all your life - trust me! You develop a form of fatalism; you are always ready to die.
    - Oriana Fallaci