Best quotes by MO on Me

Checkout quotes by MO on Me

  • I love having short hair - that means I can wear big earrings and even dresses sometimes without me feeling too feminine.
    - MO
  • The worst present I got was when I was 10. I had specifically wished for a Barbie horse. My dad got me a cheap, poorly made version of it and I cried all evening.
    - MO
  • I guess after the whole success with 'Lean On' - me being introduced into this more mainstream audience - I was a little scared of being my true self, and being vulnerable and being gritty.
    - MO
  • I've been in many bands and every time I try to be a character that's not me it has failed miserably.
    - MO
  • For me, as an artist, I think you have to experiment.
    - MO
  • A fear of not being good enough? But that's what drives me.
    - MO
  • For me, it's all about making a song that communicates something to a big crowd, but you still feel like it's authentic to who you are. That's that kind of pop that I hope and wish to do.
    - MO
  • Owning flatware makes me feel like a grown-up. That and knowing that flatware is called flatware.
    - MO
  • The hardest thing about being a woman is different for everyone. For me, it's the mirage of 'having it all' somewhere off in the distance. I think in many ways you do have to choose.
    - MO
  • I was always into the West Coast rap, the production and the flows were always more appealing to me. I think my rapping days are over though.
    - MO
  • Blur' is about feeling lost, and on a personal level I would be lying if I didn't mention that this song, for me, was about feeling creatively and artistically lost in the city of all great opportunities, Los Angeles.
    - MO