Best quotes by Lee Ranaldo on Music

Checkout quotes by Lee Ranaldo on Music

  • I came late to Sandy Denny and Fairport Convention. I don't know why, but that's the beauty of music - songs and voices are there when you need them, when you're ready to find them, whether in their time or after.
    - Lee Ranaldo
  • Listening to the Beatles' music figures into pretty much all of my childhood memories.
    - Lee Ranaldo
  • When I was in the first years of university, I fell in more with the visual arts crowd because it was more interesting than where music was.
    - Lee Ranaldo
  • Sonic Youth was a collective. There's something fantastic about the idea of making music is a social activity.
    - Lee Ranaldo
  • It's not like we set out to antagonize the audience in any way. We're just presenting our music; it's really much more innocent.
    - Lee Ranaldo