Best quotes by Norman Davies on Time

Checkout quotes by Norman Davies on Time

  • The idea that historians write the definitive version of something that will last for all time is less current than it used to be.
    - Norman Davies
  • Fifty years would seem to be time enough to prepare a definitive history of the Second World War. In an age of instant data-gathering, one might think that the historians could have arrived at a consensus for interpreting the main events of the war. In reality, no such consensus exists.
    - Norman Davies
  • I don't see why a book shouldn't be intellectually sound, entertaining, and fun to read. Historians who write academic history, which is unreadable, are basically wasting their time.
    - Norman Davies
  • One might have thought that 70 years was time enough to work out what really happened in 1939. It isn't the case. Misunderstandings and misinformation abound.
    - Norman Davies
  • Young people have to learn in a cocoon filled with false optimism. Unlike their parents and grandparents, they grow up with very little sense of the pitiless passage of time.
    - Norman Davies