Best quotes by Jed Mercurio on People

Checkout quotes by Jed Mercurio on People

  • It's always useful to know that people are emotionally invested in a series because it means that you can take them down a certain road, and they should be interested.
    - Jed Mercurio
  • In the modern workplace, sexism has adopted a more subtle persona; therefore, people can be accused of sexism where it's far harder to determine whether they're actually committing sexism or thinking in a sexist way.
    - Jed Mercurio
  • Part of me isn't that interested as a person and a viewer in people's personal lives. I'm much more interested in what people do in the workplace and what goals they set themselves. I guess that's why I write a lot of precinct drama.
    - Jed Mercurio
  • People are used to watching cop shows in which the cops are very straight down the line and they solve the crimes, but I think people actually have a much more sophisticated and varied view of the police.
    - Jed Mercurio
  • We're living in interesting times, where people seem to be able to say things which are contrary to what you would call rationalism.
    - Jed Mercurio
  • The advantage you get of something having been on the air for a while is people get to know the characters more, and they get to be more invested in the world.
    - Jed Mercurio