Best quotes by Nadia Murad on Women

Checkout quotes by Nadia Murad on Women

  • We must not only imagine a better future for women, children, and persecuted minorities; we must work consistently to make it happen - prioritizing humanity, not war.
    - Nadia Murad
  • Sometimes I feel that my message has not been clearly heard. But that is not my fault because I feel like too much is going on in terms of women being victims.
    - Nadia Murad
  • I will go back to my life when women in captivity go back to their lives, when my community has a place, when I see people accountable for their crimes.
    - Nadia Murad
  • My survival case comes with a purpose and obligation, which is why I have launched Nadia's Initiative, an organisation dedicated to helping women and children who have been victimised... My initiative is trying to get support needed to get Sinjar rebuilt.
    - Nadia Murad
  • There were 2 million civilians in Mosul and 2,000 kidnapped girls there. There were thousands of families in Mosul that could have helped other girls, but they didn't. Women had to wear veils in Mosul. It would have been easy to smuggle Yazidi women out.
    - Nadia Murad