Best quotes by Judith Durham on Life

Checkout quotes by Judith Durham on Life

  • The 'Colours Of My Life' album is literally a 50-year retrospective.
    - Judith Durham
  • The 'Colours Of My Life' album is literally a 50-year retrospective.
    - Judith Durham
  • I do marvel at what life puts in your path. It's always the unexpected. But I am lucky to be surrounded by very positive people and during my rehabilitation from the haemorrhage that helped very much.
    - Judith Durham
  • I get quite a few proposals on my website. That's very nice. I'm thrilled about that side of life.
    - Judith Durham
  • Everything in life happens for a reason and it's important to embrace it.
    - Judith Durham
  • When you, like if you sing a song and it gets into your brain that it becomes, it repeats and repeats like an affirmation so I find that quite empowering and quite important to keep my positive attitude to life.
    - Judith Durham
  • Death is just a continuation of life.
    - Judith Durham
  • It's important to keep music in your life in some way.
    - Judith Durham
  • When i was younger I was much more self focussed. I was worried about my self-image. I thought I was too fat. I was very critical of myself, and then I met and got to know and understand my husband. He helped me turn myself around. He had such a positive attitude towards life.
    - Judith Durham
  • We've led pretty wholesome lives. We haven't lived life to excess like so many groups have done.
    - Judith Durham