Best quotes by Michael Arrington on Women

Checkout quotes by Michael Arrington on Women

  • Women in my world are respected as much as men.
    - Michael Arrington
  • If we want to get beyond this whole I'm-cool-because-I-care-about-women thing, what we really need to do is we have to start encouraging women to get engineering degrees in college.
    - Michael Arrington
  • We have to start encouraging women to get into math and science early on in life... But to just say TechCrunch is perpetuating the problem because there aren't enough women speakers at our events is just a way to get attention and not solve the problem. So do we want to solve the problem, or do we want to just pick on me?
    - Michael Arrington
  • The problem isn't that Silicon Valley is keeping women down or not doing enough to encourage female entrepreneurs. The opposite is true. No, the problem is that not enough women want to become entrepreneurs.
    - Michael Arrington
  • For the most part, I've sat on the sidelines over the years during the endless debates about how we need to do more to encourage more women to start companies.
    - Michael Arrington