Best quotes by J. J. Cale on Music

Checkout quotes by J. J. Cale on Music

  • People have heard my music, but all my famous songs were made famous by somebody else... But that was my goal.
    - J. J. Cale
  • Sometimes the simplest forms of music are the hardest to play. Especially for musicians that are accomplished.
    - J. J. Cale
  • Yes, I've been down the pike and back. And through the years, I've heard different songs with scatting in it, and it was - always cracked me up as kind of a funny style of music, you know? When I did it, it kind of cracked me up as a comedy kind of routine.
    - J. J. Cale
  • I didn't really get any success till I was 30 years old. I played music when I was young fella, but I didn't really get any success till I was about 30 years old.
    - J. J. Cale
  • All my music sounds the same to me.
    - J. J. Cale
  • I was a late bloomer in the music business.
    - J. J. Cale
  • I think it goes back to me being a recording mixer and engineer. Because of all the technology now you can make music yourself and a lot of people are doing that now. I started out doing that a long time ago and I found when I did that I came up with a unique sound.
    - J. J. Cale
  • Working in bars back then, in the '50s, to get a job you had to play all kinds of music. There'd be customers come in and yell jazz tunes at you and yell rock 'n' roll tunes at you and polkas and rhythm and blues and country music.
    - J. J. Cale
  • All record companies want big-selling records, and my music is a little too raw for commercial success.
    - J. J. Cale
  • My music's gotten much more famous than me.
    - J. J. Cale
  • Music is a kind of magical thing, and you can't make magic every time, but you try. Every once in a while it has that magic, and the audience knows that. I probably miss it more than I hit it, but I think that's what all musicians try for.
    - J. J. Cale