Best quotes by Gus Kenworthy on Me

Checkout quotes by Gus Kenworthy on Me

  • I hope that any gay kids see me as beacon of light, not just in sport but in general.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • Jet lag is tough, to be honest. For me, it's much easier to force yourself to stay awake.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • For me, as a kid, I always felt like being gay was something that was going make people turn on me.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • I always have at least one book with me. I try and read a book a month.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • Since I came out of the closet, I've gotten to just really be myself and feel authentic and honest and genuine. It's just been a huge relief for me competitively.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • My mom has been there for me in moments where I definitely needed her the most, and she has this inherent way of knowing exactly what to say and exactly how to talk to me, whatever the situation.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • The only way to really change perceptions, to break down barriers, break down homophobia, is through representation. That's definitely not something I had as a kid. I never saw a gay athlete kissing their boyfriend at the Olympics. I think if I had, it would've made it easier for me.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • I don't think that one thing defines me, but I know that by coming out the way that I did, sort of almost pioneering it in action sports - to take that stand - that it's always going to be a label that is stuck with me, and I know that I'll always be the 'gay skier,' and it actually doesn't bother me.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • I have the LGBT audience behind me, and there's all these people that I want to make proud, and I want to do well aside from just myself.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • Growing up, I always wanted kids, and that was one of the things that made it hard for me to accept being gay, but now I know it's totally an option to have kids.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • Miley Cyrus followed me, tweeted at me. We started messaging; we traded numbers. She's become like a friend. She's super supportive of me being gay.
    - Gus Kenworthy
  • I wound up adopting two dogs from Sochi. It wasn't really me who brought them home as much as it was one of my best friends, Robin Macdonald, who was out there with me.
    - Gus Kenworthy