Best quotes by Mo Rocca on Me

Checkout quotes by Mo Rocca on Me

  • I can't be everything to everyone. Send me your specs.
    - Mo Rocca
  • I'd rather call myself a mischief-maker, an imp, rather than a satirist. Satirist sounds so self important. Plus no one is calling himself an imp right now. It makes me feel special.
    - Mo Rocca
  • I'm in fact a hair under six feet, but I'm very svelte. People would never see me if I turned sideways.
    - Mo Rocca
  • I have a Keurig coffee maker, which is really kind of a luxury. It was given to me by an ex. I realized when I'm feeling sentimental, I'll gently, tenderly press the button. Then when I remember he dumped me, I punch it.
    - Mo Rocca
  • Something that came as a shock to me is that we do not have a constitutional right to vote. And that's not just a fun little historical factoid. It actually has huge ramifications. It's the reason our system is so decentralized - in other words, chaotic.
    - Mo Rocca