Best quotes by Laura Mvula on Me

Checkout quotes by Laura Mvula on Me

  • I'm by no means a pianist. I think that's safe to say, but the piano, for me, I would say it's the enabler. It gave me what I needed and gives me what I need in order to write a song. And I think playing or improvising on the piano is where I feel most liberated and sort of less conscious of all my insecurities or inadequacies.
    - Laura Mvula
  • Being a pop star is something I don't think I'm very good at. I'm worried it's making me too paranoid, because all of a sudden, life has become this constant assessment. When you put something out there and people get to hear it, then those people react to it, socially, culturally.
    - Laura Mvula
  • Taxi drivers used to ask me what kind of music I did, and I'd say, 'Well, it's kind of jazz, soul, classical' - but that makes no sense to anyone.
    - Laura Mvula
  • 'Mvula' is my married name, but for some reason my nan calls me 'McVula.' I'm not sure if it's one of those jokey Caribbean things, or whether she's just getting it wrong.
    - Laura Mvula
  • I had a very thorough grounding in music; I'd grown up around songs. My parents listened to a lot of music. My dad was majorly into jazz, which was absolutely a big influence on me, even if it was more subconsciously as a kid.
    - Laura Mvula
  • Limitlessness is important for me; I want to be able to use every opportunity to push me forward onto the next thing.
    - Laura Mvula
  • Lizz Wright is my favourite singer. Her voice moves me and takes me to another place. She also grows her own food, and that inspires me.
    - Laura Mvula
  • I love church buildings, particularly cathedrals, and I like living in spaces that remind me of music or evoke that creative energy.
    - Laura Mvula
  • Fame hasn't really affected me. I have a really close knit group around me, and my sister is always with me, so it's like a bit of a travelling circus.
    - Laura Mvula
  • The first time I sang in church, when I was ten, the applause was so overwhelming that I started to weep. My mum had to rescue me from the stage.
    - Laura Mvula