Best quotes by Bobcat Goldthwait on Movies

Checkout quotes by Bobcat Goldthwait on Movies

  • I'm kind of a dummy. I make movies and not realize until afterwards, 'Oh, I'm the protagonist.'
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • I like movies that don't fit in a category. Like, 'Get Out' - that was one of my favorite movies in a long time, and what is that?
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • The movies I make don't take place in reality.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • I like to go to the movies and watch characters who make me question how I see the world.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • I'm making movies about people as flawed as myself and the viewers. So if you just have a reptilian brain and live your life simply by reacting to things, my movies aren't going to work for you.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • I do think there are more people who would probably related to my movies and who aren't aware of them.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • My movies are always about the kooks and the outsiders.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • I don't find movies shocking.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • I choose not to be in front of the camera. Sometimes I do get offered parts, but I really like just making movies and telling stories.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • I've probably done myself a disservice as a brand because the movies I've made. They've all been completely different.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • In the past, the movies I've made are perceived as dark, but a lot of comedies are way darker.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait
  • The movies I make, I never see them as accurately portraying a life, but more like fables.
    - Bobcat Goldthwait