Best quotes by Miriam Shor on People

Checkout quotes by Miriam Shor on People

  • I have an iPhone, but that's just because I need to take pictures of my 5- and 8 1/2-year-old kids. It becomes quite easily an addiction for people who aren't even aware that they're addicted.
    - Miriam Shor
  • My very first show that I ever did was a show called 'Then Came You'. It became a huge hit - no, it didn't. But it was a sitcom with some great people involved, and the story was about an older woman and a younger guy. I was the older woman's best friend. I was 27 years old.
    - Miriam Shor
  • I always respond to characters who have depth. I'm always interested in those people. They're the ones who surprise you.
    - Miriam Shor
  • I live near Thompson Square Park, and there are a lot of colorful people I see in the park - a lot of different personalities and homeless people - you get to know them. And every now and then, there is suddenly someone who is no longer around, and you're just like, 'Wow,' but you never really know what happened to them.
    - Miriam Shor
  • As the director, it's just a constant stream of meetings where you meet with all of the creatives who make all of the decisions for every part of the episodes. You're also scouting for locations, deciding on the locations, meeting with your first associate director; mine was Jennifer Truelove. She's one of my favorite people on the planet.
    - Miriam Shor