Best quotes by Francois Nars on Beauty

Checkout quotes by Francois Nars on Beauty

  • I like beauty to be a bit edgy, not typical. For me, the only rule is looking good.
    - Francois Nars
  • Find your own way, have an open spirit, and believe in your own beauty.
    - Francois Nars
  • My interpretation of the word 'ugly'... I like ugly beauty. That can happen. In France, we have phrase 'jolie laide.' We like certain women who are not pretty or cute - it's the opposite in France of pretty. It's more strange and interesting.
    - Francois Nars
  • My mother never wore much make-up, and she was a kind of natural beauty; she knew just how to enhance what she had.
    - Francois Nars
  • My mother hated foundation; she hated having a mask on her face - and she pushed me to build my own vision and concept of beauty for women.
    - Francois Nars
  • My goal was always to make the girl look real and look beautiful. It didn't matter how much makeup. Sometimes it was none at all.
    - Francois Nars
  • I didn't want to create a makeup line for one ethnic group; it had to be multi-ethnic. To me, beauty is beauty. It doesn't matter to me what colour the skin is.
    - Francois Nars
  • I'm not so interested in perfect, plastic beauty, and I think it translates in the girls I've shot over the years for Nars, from Guinevere to Iris to Mariacarla. I love those girls. I love the more interesting faces, with maybe a strange nose, not just the Texan blonde. By picking those girls, I think it's changed what I've seen in other campaigns.
    - Francois Nars
  • My mother and my two grandmothers, I was lucky to have three women around me growing up that were very special, very elegant women, very beautiful women. They were my first step into the beauty world, let's say, and then the fashion world, of course.
    - Francois Nars
  • My mother and my two grandmothers, I was lucky to have three women around me growing up that were very special, very elegant women, very beautiful women. They were my first step into the beauty world, let's say, and then the fashion world, of course.
    - Francois Nars
  • I really wanted to have a different approach of beauty because when I came to America, they were still heavily, heavily plastic. The ads were so heavily retouched.
    - Francois Nars
  • I always had a vision about beauty in general, so probably that's what really drove me into that direction of creating a makeup brand.
    - Francois Nars
  • You are born with this love; fashion and beauty are a part of who I am.
    - Francois Nars
  • You create the color first, and then the name that fits. It depends - there are no rules. You watch a fabulous old movie, and you suddenly get inspired by it to create a lipstick shade, or you walk through a gorgeous garden and find the most beautiful flower shade for an eye shadow, and then you name it.
    - Francois Nars
  • I remember this time I worked with Linda Evangelista on a shoot for Richard Avedon. I just put grease on her face, and it was beautiful.
    - Francois Nars