Best quotes by Mindy Grossman on Women

Checkout quotes by Mindy Grossman on Women

  • Four out of five HSN corporate officers are women. I'm a believer that a diversity of mindset enables us to have an engaged conversation.
    - Mindy Grossman
  • As women, we can over-think things so much that we silence our intuition and only focus on the reasons something won't work.
    - Mindy Grossman
  • HSNi Cares was established in 2010 with a mission to empower women and support children and families in need locally, nationally, and globally.
    - Mindy Grossman
  • We need more enlightened women in senior ranks, and we have to insist that companies are more diverse.
    - Mindy Grossman
  • I firmly believe in the old adage 'Actions speak louder than words.' This means proactively seeking women for roles within boards, identifying opportunities for diversity within teams, and finding ways to use your platform to mentor women - and then encourage them to do the same.
    - Mindy Grossman
  • Women must do a better job of supporting each other. However, real change will happen when both men and women unite to demand diversity.
    - Mindy Grossman