Best quotes by Brian Ortega on Me

Checkout quotes by Brian Ortega on Me

  • It's never been about an opponent. I don't care who it is. Just throw them in front of me and let me do what I have to do. Let me earn the belt.
    - Brian Ortega
  • Sometimes it takes me a little longer to kick into my gears.
    - Brian Ortega
  • I'm the kind of guy who, if you tell me you can't do something, like, 'Brian, you can't do a backflip off that two-floor building,' and I'm going to give it a shot.
    - Brian Ortega
  • Pretty much, I was a hometown fighter, and everyone was pulling for me. Now I'm a hometown fighter again. It's a lot of pressure because you don't want to let people down. They're yelling your name and chanting for you.
    - Brian Ortega
  • Two good, large fights a year is good enough for me.
    - Brian Ortega
  • I keep training hard, keep working out, keep looking at my fights, and I wonder, 'If I was to fight me, how would I beat me?' It's like having a boat with a bunch of holes. I'm trying to patch up all the holes. If I was to fight myself, I'd take advantage of certain things. I've got to know my opponent is thinking the same thing.
    - Brian Ortega
  • The Harbor Area is everything - Carson, Wilmington, San Pedro, Long Beach, that whole little bubble that I grew up in. I always throw it up after I finish fighting, I always throw up the Harbor Area. Out of pride. It made me who I am. It brought me my goods; it brought me my bads. It molded me into who I am.
    - Brian Ortega
  • I have my parents to keep me in check, a team that loves me, and I have the ability to go out there, dream, and chase it.
    - Brian Ortega
  • I was sitting around, moping and feeling badly for myself. I went to the hospital to visit a child, and it hit me: helping people is what I'm meant to do.
    - Brian Ortega
  • Fighting was a problem for me in high school.
    - Brian Ortega
  • For me, I love doing what is said can't be done.
    - Brian Ortega
  • When I get in there, I try to really make sure there's no quit in me and that whoever I fight is going to have a long night.
    - Brian Ortega
  • On my block, I had all these guys coming in and out of jail. When I was 13, I was playing outside my house, and one of those guys came across the street and started cussing me out, wanting to fight me. People knew I trained kickboxing and would put the gloves on with my friends, so that made me a target.
    - Brian Ortega