Best quotes by Gary Chapman on Love

Checkout quotes by Gary Chapman on Love

  • It is universal to give gifts as an expression of love. My academic background is anthropology, the study of cultures. We have never discovered a culture where gift-giving is not an expression of love.
    - Gary Chapman
  • One of the things I say is, 'You cannot control your spouse, but you can influence your spouse.' And one of the ways to influence your spouse is to make sure you are meeting their need for love.
    - Gary Chapman
  • When you're married, the person you would most like to love you is your spouse. And if you feel loved by your spouse, the world looks bright. But if the love tank is empty, and you don't feel loved by your spouse, the world begins to look dark.
    - Gary Chapman
  • I thought the whole thing was you fall in love with somebody, and it's so wonderful, and it's so euphoric, and it's going to be that way forever. Nobody told me that two years after you fall in love, you're going to come down off the euphoria.
    - Gary Chapman
  • The desire for romantic love in marriage is deeply rooted in our psychological makeup.
    - Gary Chapman
  • Love is a spiritual grace. We learn it from God.
    - Gary Chapman
  • Love is a spiritual grace. We learn it from God.
    - Gary Chapman
  • I think people desperately want to feel love.
    - Gary Chapman
  • Love is reaching out to try to get to the other person.
    - Gary Chapman
  • Love is reaching out to try to get to the other person.
    - Gary Chapman
  • You need to listen to your friends when they point out things about the person you're in love with. Listen to them, because they see what you can't see right now, but you'll see it later.
    - Gary Chapman