Best quotes by Ryan Leaf on Me

Checkout quotes by Ryan Leaf on Me

  • How can I go from this poor college kid one day and the next day get a check for $7 million. How's that going to affect me?
    - Ryan Leaf
  • A lot of people said they prayed for me. I felt their prayers.
    - Ryan Leaf
  • People hold me accountable. Before I would push people away, but that's not a way to be successful.
    - Ryan Leaf
  • Every time I stepped on the practice field when I was in San Diego, I dreaded going to work. It wasn't any fun. I didn't like the people I was playing with. They didn't like me.
    - Ryan Leaf
  • Everybody tells me, 'You're going to be fine.' Well, I know I'm going to be fine.
    - Ryan Leaf
  • When playing football became a job, it lost its luster for me.
    - Ryan Leaf
  • I think the failure in the NFL has humbled me in the fact that I don't think I'm the best.
    - Ryan Leaf
  • People don't understand that if I would have stayed in Tampa, I might have disappeared and people would have forgotten about me. That may be good in some ways, but not in others.
    - Ryan Leaf
  • Guys like me can put on 10-15 pounds in a week.
    - Ryan Leaf
  • I do follow the NFL. It took me a while to get back into it, but I do follow it religiously now. Huge Packers and Steelers fan.
    - Ryan Leaf