Best quotes by Gene Wilder on Love

Checkout quotes by Gene Wilder on Love

  • Actors fall into this trap if they missed being loved for who they really were and not for what they could do - sing, dance, joke about - then they take that as love.
    - Gene Wilder
  • I don't mean to sound - I don't want it to come out funny, but I don't like show business. I love - I love acting in films. I love it.
    - Gene Wilder
  • I love the art of acting, and I love film, because you always have another chance if you want it. You know, if we - if this isn't going well, you can't say - well, you could say - let's stop. Let's start over again, Gene, because you were too nervous.
    - Gene Wilder
  • I'd like to do a comedy with Emma Thompson. I admire her as an actress so much. I love her. And I didn't know it until recently that her whole career started in comedy.
    - Gene Wilder
  • I love acting, especially if it's a fantasy of some kind, where it's not just realistic, it's not naturalism.
    - Gene Wilder
  • Sidney Poitier was directing a film called 'Hanky Panky.' And he said, 'Do you want to come with me to New York to see Gilda Radner in 'Lunch Hour' on Broadway? I said, 'I don't need to see her, I love her. I've wanted to write something for her for a long time. So it's OK by me.'
    - Gene Wilder
  • The thing I love about making movies is the peace of mind that I know I don't have to be perfect the first time. I can be perfect the second time or the third time.
    - Gene Wilder
  • When you fall in love, and you're very young, you think that that's the love of your life. And maybe it is, but it usually doesn't turn out that way.
    - Gene Wilder