Best quotes by Michael Cimino on Movies

Checkout quotes by Michael Cimino on Movies

  • Making movies is controlled anarchy, chaos.
    - Michael Cimino
  • I'm a frustrated would-be architect who stumbled into the would-be business of making movies.
    - Michael Cimino
  • If you can't stop somebody from working and making movies that you hate, what's the next best thing? Destroy them personally.
    - Michael Cimino
  • I wish I was making movies back in the days when John Ford made movies and you were a director under contract to a studio. John Ford had years when he made three movies in a year.
    - Michael Cimino
  • Does anyone remember who shot Kubrick's movies? Do you remember who shot David Lean's movies? No one remembers who shot 'Dr. Strangelove' or 'Barry Lyndon.'
    - Michael Cimino
  • We all want to experience that in our lives - a moment when we're two feet off the ground - and making movies gives you that opportunity. It comes and it goes so fast that it's unreal, but it does happen.
    - Michael Cimino
  • It's one of the things that movies do offer you, despite all of their hardships - they offer you moments of transcendence.
    - Michael Cimino
  • 'Leaving Las Vegas' is a relationship; 'Dead Man Walking' is a relationship, and they're very contained movies. They're compressed and not in wide open spaces all over the place.
    - Michael Cimino
  • I don't make movies to make a point; I make movies to tell stories about people.
    - Michael Cimino