Best quotes by Chris Evert on Me

Checkout quotes by Chris Evert on Me

  • I love hiking in the mountains in Aspen. Breathing the clean, fresh air is great. Plus, it gives me a cardiovascular workout and firms my legs.
    - Chris Evert
  • Ninety percent of my game is mental. It's my concentration that has gotten me this far.
    - Chris Evert
  • Losing hurts me.
    - Chris Evert
  • If I win seven tournaments in a row, I get so confident I'm in a cloud. A loss gets me eager again.
    - Chris Evert
  • Losing hurts me. I was determined to be the best.
    - Chris Evert
  • I was very, very shy as a younger girl, just petrified of people. Tennis helped give me an identity and made me feel like somebody.
    - Chris Evert
  • Tennis helped give me an identity and made me feel like somebody.
    - Chris Evert
  • My first U.S. Open I think was just very special for me because that was sort of the beginning of what was a 'Cinderella' story for me.
    - Chris Evert