Best quotes by Leslie Bibb on Me

Checkout quotes by Leslie Bibb on Me

  • My friends tease me because I don't like clutter. I'm not someone who gets attached to things.
    - Leslie Bibb
  • I never think, Oh, I'm so beautiful. To me, feeling happy is more important.
    - Leslie Bibb
  • I've had some styles that make me wonder what the hell I was thinking. How did I let someone do that to me?
    - Leslie Bibb
  • Listen, if you said to me, 'Adam Shankman is going to direct you in a musical and you have six months to learn how to tap,' I'd practice till I was blue in the face. I would do it because I'm so headstrong and think I can do anything. But just to show up and sing a little ditty, no.
    - Leslie Bibb
  • Women have that weird way of trying to be feminist. You know, like 'hear me roar.' But what they really want is a man to open the door for them.
    - Leslie Bibb