Best quotes by Mary Lambert on People

Checkout quotes by Mary Lambert on People

  • Treat others as you wish to be treated. Don't just be nice, but be kind to other people. That can be so rewarding.
    - Mary Lambert
  • Growing up, people are like, 'Mary, we'll see you at the Grammys.' You're like, 'I'll be at the Grammys.' Then, you're actually at the Grammys! That actually is happening; it's not just something people are saying because they like your music. It's real!
    - Mary Lambert
  • When you're 17 in the suburbs and know only three gay people, holding hands with your girlfriend is a proclamation.
    - Mary Lambert
  • People are constantly not feeling, but numbing themselves, either through medication or playing on their phones. If you start feeling bad, it's like, 'Distract! Distract! Put on Storage Wars!' And I know because I'm guilty of it, too.
    - Mary Lambert
  • I knew when I shot the 'She Keeps Me Warm' video that the comments were not going to be homophobic... that they would be about fat-shaming. I'm a large girl making out with somebody. I knew just that sheer fact would set people off.
    - Mary Lambert
  • There is so much shame and guilt in our society, and I think it has deprived a lot of people from living fully. We are all facing battles... We've all had someone who has hurt us. So let's talk about it.
    - Mary Lambert
  • I like to think that my music allows people that cathartic cry.
    - Mary Lambert
  • It's an interesting thing about being a 'fem.' People automatically assume that I'm straight.
    - Mary Lambert
  • I'm a big emotional mess. I try to talk about things that people don't like to talk about, especially in music. Hopefully it reaches someone and lets them access their vulnerability. That's what I want it to accomplish.
    - Mary Lambert
  • I don't think of my songs as sad songs. I think of them as vulnerable and honest. I crack jokes in between songs, so people don't leave feeling too dark.
    - Mary Lambert
  • Going from someone playing 15-people venues to performing at the Grammys, it was this giant leap and sort of showed me it was possible with what I wanted to do and the kind of music I wanted to write and artist I want to be to impact a lot of people.
    - Mary Lambert