Best quotes by Mark Manson on Love

Checkout quotes by Mark Manson on Love

  • True love - that is, deep, abiding love that is impervious to emotional whims or fancy - is a choice. It's a constant commitment to a person regardless of the present circumstances.
    - Mark Manson
  • By itself, love is never enough to sustain a relationship.
    - Mark Manson
  • By itself, love is never enough to sustain a relationship.
    - Mark Manson
  • People want to start their own business or become financially independent. But you don't end up a successful entrepreneur unless you find a way to love the risk, the uncertainty, the repeated failures, and working insane hours on something you have no idea whether will be successful or not.
    - Mark Manson
  • Many people get into a relationship as a way to compensate for something they lack or hate within themselves. This is a one-way ticket to a toxic relationship because it makes your love conditional - you will love your partner as long as they help you feel better about yourself.
    - Mark Manson
  • The problem with idealizing love is that it causes us to develop unrealistic expectations about what love actually is and what it can do for us.
    - Mark Manson
  • The problem with idealizing love is that it causes us to develop unrealistic expectations about what love actually is and what it can do for us.
    - Mark Manson
  • I love massive books: books so big, like bricks, you could drown yourself in a pool with them if you're not careful.
    - Mark Manson
  • In our culture, many of us idealize love. We see it as some lofty cure-all for all of life's problems. Our movies and our stories and our history all celebrate it as life's ultimate goal, the final solution for all of our pain and struggle. And because we idealize love, we overestimate it. As a result, our relationships pay a price.
    - Mark Manson
  • Just because you fall in love with someone doesn't necessarily mean they're a good partner for you to be with over the long term.
    - Mark Manson