Best quotes by Stone Cold Steve Austin on Me

Checkout quotes by Stone Cold Steve Austin on Me

  • In 'The Condemned,' if you saw the movie, that's all me; I'll go toe to toe with anyone in an action movie.
    - Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • Shoot, man, I loved being a damn heel. Something about that, just going out there and being the most despicable person you could ever be, was a real turn-on for me. And I grew up a real shy kid in south Texas, and it was something for me to lean on and have fun with.
    - Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • Probably the greatest match in my career, and really put me on the match as a main event guy and paved the way for what I was to become, was Wrestlemania 13, with the one and only, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart.
    - Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • Don't look forward to me putting on the trunks and knee braces to get back in the ring and stomp a mudhole in somebody and walking it dry.
    - Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • When you see me on TV as Stone Cold Steve Austin, that's definitely a part of my personality.
    - Stone Cold Steve Austin