Best quotes by Mark Billingham on Character

Checkout quotes by Mark Billingham on Character

  • I admire writers such as Elmore Leonard who can nail a character in three or four lines of dialogue, so he doesn't need pages of back story or clumsy exposition.
    - Mark Billingham
  • The problem with being a writer is that some readers tend to think that anything that comes out of a character's mouth is you talking.
    - Mark Billingham
  • I think it's very easy to disgust the reader with violence on the page - that's incredibly easy - but it's far harder to make a reader care about a character.
    - Mark Billingham
  • I've often said the reader knows every bit as much about Thorne as I do. When I created him for 'Sleepyhead,' I was determined he should be a character who would develop, book by book, change and grow as we all do, and who - crucially - would be unpredictable.
    - Mark Billingham
  • As I write each new Thorne novel, I'm determined that whatever is happening plot-wise, a new layer of the onion will be peeled away and reveal something about Thorne that is surprising to me as much as anyone else. If I can remain interested in the character, then hopefully the reader will stay interested, too.
    - Mark Billingham