Best quotes by Marilyn Ferguson on Change

Checkout quotes by Marilyn Ferguson on Change

  • No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal.
    - Marilyn Ferguson
  • Achievers have an enabling attitude, realism, and a conviction that they themselves were the laboratory of innovation. Their ability to change themselves is central to their success. They have learned to conserve their energy by minimizing the time spent in regret or complaint. Every event is a lesson to them, every person a teacher.
    - Marilyn Ferguson
  • I believe that social change has almost reached critical mass. So many people have undergone personal transformation that their effect on society is having a geometric - not arithmetic - impact. This coalescence of energies brings about meeting, networking, and a sophistication in communications that is unprecedented in history.
    - Marilyn Ferguson
  • 'Aquarian Conspiracy' is the term I have coined for the network of people working for social transformation based on personal inner change. Such a notion is not at all alien to the American milieu.
    - Marilyn Ferguson
  • Despair is a cop-out, the ultimate abdication of all responsibility, in which people feel justified in their feelings of impotence. But if, on the other hand, you feel that your work in the world does make a difference and that you do have the power to change things, the nay-sayers will turn a deaf ear.
    - Marilyn Ferguson
  • In the most important areas, as individuals and countries, we don't change our behavior until we have our backs to the wall.
    - Marilyn Ferguson
  • The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.
    - Marilyn Ferguson
  • The struggle to make people understand the need for change is over.
    - Marilyn Ferguson
  • If you start thinking of stress as not a bad thing but inevitable, resulting in change that itself leads to transformation that leads to sharp and radical changes... it can be a very useful way of thinking.
    - Marilyn Ferguson