Best quotes by Rebecca Ferguson on Love

Checkout quotes by Rebecca Ferguson on Love

  • I'm able to provide for my family and the people that I love with things that I never used to be able to. I'm getting to make music and work with amazing people. I just feel really lucky.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • I am lucky in that I love what I do, but it can still be hard to be away from the kids for long lengths of time. At the end of the day, all I want is to be with my kids, but it's worth it to create a future for my family.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • I absolutely love Nicole Scherzinger. She's worked really hard to get to where she is and really knows her stuff.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • I love hats and winter is the perfect time for them. I love winter time fashion.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • You meet someone, you care for them, and you fall in love; it's what it is.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • It wasn't until my late teens that I really got into soul music and then I was like 'Ooh, this is good!' You'd always here it at old family parties, like, Gladys Knight and I'd always love it but I didn't really get to know it and respect it until I was a bit older.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • If you haven't got love, you've got nothing.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • I've got a running machine which I try and use, but it's just finding the time. Don't get me wrong, I love cake and ice cream; I'm the kind of girl that, if I want something, I'll have it.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • I was naive in that I thought I could just sing and perform and do what I had always wanted to do all my life. But I wasn't ready for all the added dramas that came along. There were times I fell out of love with music and thought about walking away. I thought I was happier when I was that girl at home in my bedroom singing into my hairbrush.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • I love L.A. I'd move there tomorrow if I could.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • I think that's what I love about jazz is that you can do what you want, and you're allowed to mess up.
    - Rebecca Ferguson
  • That's what I've tried to do: I've tried to make music that I really love.
    - Rebecca Ferguson