Best quotes by Malik Bendjelloul on Music

Checkout quotes by Malik Bendjelloul on Music

  • I don't think 'Sugar Man' is a music doc any more than 'The Social Network' is about computers. It just happens to have the best soundtrack ever.
    - Malik Bendjelloul
  • Most music careers slowly but surely go down.
    - Malik Bendjelloul
  • I love music. I think it's a higher art form, in a way, than movies. You know, a film you see once, maybe twice. A song will follow you forever. It's a magical thing.
    - Malik Bendjelloul
  • My specialty is two things: music or really strange stories.
    - Malik Bendjelloul
  • I don't like music docs, usually. There's nothing to really say. What can you say about music? Normally, you can't say too much. There are a few really good ones, but the majorities are boring, I think.
    - Malik Bendjelloul
  • I think music docs could turn off some people.
    - Malik Bendjelloul