Best quotes by Rufus Sewell on Work

Checkout quotes by Rufus Sewell on Work

  • Well, thing is, after they cancelled 'Zen', I didn't work for eight months. And in that case, it was not my choice. After I've done something that I'm really proud of and I think changes the way I'm perceived, the immediate reaction is: nothing.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • I'm hoping that a lifetime of compromise and disappointment will read as extra depth and layers in my work.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • I don't think the roles that I'm necessarily known for in this country are my best work, or even anywhere near it. I didn't think I was great in 'Arcadia.' I think it's a great part and a great play and had a lot of attention.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • 'The Taming Of The Shrew' is probably the first time I've worked in this country for about ten years, apart from theatre, and it's not for want of trying. It was so fantastic to work in London - it felt really glamorous.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • I'm only based in L.A. because I couldn't get any work in England.
    - Rufus Sewell