Best quotes by Jocelyn Bell Burnell on Research

Checkout quotes by Jocelyn Bell Burnell on Research

  • The more diverse a research group or a business, the more robust it is, the more flexible it is, and the better it succeeds.
    - Jocelyn Bell Burnell
  • It's now widely recognised that a diverse research group is usually stronger, more creative, and more robust and flexible. Such a group usually copes better in a downturn.
    - Jocelyn Bell Burnell
  • I didn't always have research jobs.
    - Jocelyn Bell Burnell
  • I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases.
    - Jocelyn Bell Burnell
  • In the field of astronomy in the mid-'60s, quasars were very sexy objects - gigantic, star-like masses about which little was known. I was a graduate research student at Cambridge working towards my Ph.D. and chose quasars as the subject for my thesis. Part of my project involved surveying the sky for them using a radio telescope.
    - Jocelyn Bell Burnell
  • If you'd got a very conservative Republican in power, they might not be happy about some of the scientific research going on, because it conflicts with their fundamental beliefs.
    - Jocelyn Bell Burnell