Best quotes by Maika Monroe on Me

Checkout quotes by Maika Monroe on Me

  • Acting is such a crazy industry, but kite boarding keeps me grounded.
    - Maika Monroe
  • My grandma passed away from cancer, and actually, when I was 18, I had an experience with melanoma - it's in the family. I had that experience where everything comes into perspective. It's the weirdest thing, 'cause you're like, 'It will never happen to me,' and when it does, it's like, 'OK, wow.'
    - Maika Monroe
  • I started kite boarding when I was 13. My dad was a kite boarder, and I begged him to teach me until he finally agreed. He made me wait because it can be dangerous.
    - Maika Monroe
  • 'The Shining' scares me so much.
    - Maika Monroe
  • I grew up with horror. My dad loves movies, and he passed a lot of them on to me. There's something so fun about them.
    - Maika Monroe
  • SOLOSHOT is such a brilliant idea and an athlete's dream. It has given me the ability to film myself training without anyone's help - it's perfect because I can go to the beach, set up my SOLOSHOT, and not have to rely on anyone to stand there and film me from the beach for hours.
    - Maika Monroe
  • Before acting took off, I was a professional kiteboarder training for the world circuit; with a sporting activity, you have to be determined, and it taught me to have a thick skin, which came in use after going to so many auditions and being told 'no.'
    - Maika Monroe
  • My dad showed me loads of films when I was young, but I never thought I would be in movies. That didn't seem like a real job to me.
    - Maika Monroe
  • If you've got people around you that are like, 'Oh, you're so good,' this and that, it becomes unhealthy. My friends are like, 'You look like a doofus.' I'm like, 'Thank you. Thank you for that.' It keeps me grounded.
    - Maika Monroe