Best quotes by Rashida Tlaib on Government

Checkout quotes by Rashida Tlaib on Government

  • We cannot have policies that punish people for taking action. Imagine the further harm it would have caused if the federal government banned civil rights leaders from boycotting buses in Montgomery, Alabama, or banning divestment from Apartheid South Africa.
    - Rashida Tlaib
  • I want people to feel like they have access to Congress, that they have access to government.
    - Rashida Tlaib
  • When we are asked to bail out corporations and banks, or pass tax bills that shift billions in public dollars out of government, we must ask ourselves, who were we truly sent here to advocate for?
    - Rashida Tlaib
  • My mother knows struggle and has taught me how to lead with compassion, the compassion that should be required for every representative on every level of government.
    - Rashida Tlaib
  • We send a lot of money - I don't know, I think it's in billions - of money to the Saudi government. We have so much tremendous leverage as the United States of America, but we seem to choose to look away when there's other interests at play.
    - Rashida Tlaib