Best quotes by Lynda Resnick on Art

Checkout quotes by Lynda Resnick on Art

  • Whenever education budgets get tightened, art programs are the first to get cut. Like the enduring popularity of reality TV, this never ceases to amaze me.
    - Lynda Resnick
  • Art is a critical component in a well-rounded education. Art is the level playing field - no matter how rich or poor, tall or short, pretty or ugly to the bone, if you can draw, you can find personal fulfillment and build self-confidence. Art is the highest achievement of mankind.
    - Lynda Resnick
  • If art means as much to you as it does to me, or even if you're just exploring the art world for the first time, I invite you to turn off the boob tube, pry the Wii controllers from your kids' hands, and drag them to a museum.
    - Lynda Resnick
  • Your kids might feel more apt to try some art of their own after viewing contemporary works that are far less intimidating than those of the Old Masters.
    - Lynda Resnick
  • You don't have to be Pope Julius to have great art in your house.
    - Lynda Resnick
  • The best thing about art is that it is the one luxury in life that can be enjoyed by everyone. And it lasts forever.
    - Lynda Resnick