Best quotes by John Cho on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by John Cho on Knowledge

  • You know, I always root for the older athlete. I root for the second album. I root for solo careers after the rock star breaks the band apart.
    - John Cho
  • I think about John Lennon all the time. What would John Lennon do? What would John Lennon say if he got this part? How would he act? I don't know, but he's my moral barometer.
    - John Cho
  • I don't know what the next frontier is, but good comedy should put its toe into taboo waters. You have to transgress a little bit, and that area shifts with culture and with the year.
    - John Cho
  • 'Star Trek' seems to be an appeal to our better nature, the side of ourselves that works toward peace and cooperation and understanding and knowledge and yearns to seek out knowledge rather than the side that wants to divide and control one another.
    - John Cho
  • I don't know if I trust entertainment to teach anyone anything.
    - John Cho