Best quotes by Luke James on Myself

Checkout quotes by Luke James on Myself

  • I'd love to jump in a spaceship and shoot myself to the moon, where I'll paint the word 'Love.' So when people step outside before they go to bed and look up to see it, they'll just dream of love.
    - Luke James
  • I can't ever doubt myself. Never.
    - Luke James
  • I like to think of myself as a true artist.
    - Luke James
  • Everyone has their own journey, and for me, going from singing background to writing songs has truly opened doors for me and has also helped me find myself as an artist in terms of what I want to say and the style of music I want to have.
    - Luke James
  • It never dawned on me that I was sexy. I always thought of myself as the goofy kid.
    - Luke James
  • I consider myself an honest soul.
    - Luke James