Best quotes by Tom Steyer on America

Checkout quotes by Tom Steyer on America

  • The most sacred duty of the President of the United States of America is to defend and protect the Constitution and the principles it enshrines: freedom, fairness, and equality.
    - Tom Steyer
  • America can't stop talking about Donald Trump. Even if we want to look away, we just can't.
    - Tom Steyer
  • Trump has become the star of our 24-hour political news cycle, and every pundit in America seems to be grabbing for some of the reflected light from his explosive campaign.
    - Tom Steyer
  • The American people know that climate change is the kind of problem only America can solve.
    - Tom Steyer
  • In American politics, the deepest rivalry is between the rational world and the right wing of the GOP, who are increasingly marginalized in their view that America cannot take on the big challenges.
    - Tom Steyer
  • America faces very real challenges. The climate crisis, inequality, stagnant wages, student debt - the list goes on. Rather than address these serious problems, Trump uses hate-filled rhetoric to divide America by race, religion, and ancestry.
    - Tom Steyer