Best quotes by Lloyd Kaufman on Movies

Checkout quotes by Lloyd Kaufman on Movies

  • The thing I find about the movie industry is that 99 percent of the people are absolute scum. They're horrible people, they really are. Very nasty killer rabbits who hate movies. But the other 1 percent are really the greatest, most wonderful people in the world.
    - Lloyd Kaufman
  • It is up to us to produce better-quality movies.
    - Lloyd Kaufman
  • Movies are art and the spirit of the movie depends on the creators.
    - Lloyd Kaufman
  • I don't make crappy movies. I spend two or three years making a film. I don't take myself seriously, but I take my movies very seriously.
    - Lloyd Kaufman
  • I majored in Chinese Studies. I'm probably the only director of chicken Indian zombie movies who can speak pretty good Mandarin.
    - Lloyd Kaufman