Best quotes by Frances Arnold on People

Checkout quotes by Frances Arnold on People

  • Life is not a piece of cake, and it certainly is not for many of the people I know.
    - Frances Arnold
  • I realized that the way most people were going about protein engineering was doomed failure.
    - Frances Arnold
  • I get these students who come in and say, I want to help people. I say, people get plenty of help. Why don't you help the planet?
    - Frances Arnold
  • I've done that my whole life - I've taken the way people think and turned it on its head.
    - Frances Arnold
  • I meet so many young people who want to plan out their lives and want a recipe. They want me to tell them how to succeed. I didn't follow a recipe. I followed my instincts.
    - Frances Arnold
  • What I want to do is demonstrate that biology can learn how to make a vast array of molecules that people thought were outside the realm of biology.
    - Frances Arnold