Best quotes by Lincoln Steffens on Men

Checkout quotes by Lincoln Steffens on Men

  • Power is what men seek and any group that gets it will abuse it.
    - Lincoln Steffens
  • In all cities, the better classes - the business men - are the sources of corruption, but they are so rarely pursued and caught that we do not fully realize whence the trouble comes.
    - Lincoln Steffens
  • You ask men in office to be honest; I ask them to serve the public.
    - Lincoln Steffens
  • If we would leave parties to the politicians, and would vote not for the party, not even for men, but for the city, and the State, and the nation, we should rule parties, and cities, and States, and nation.
    - Lincoln Steffens
  • Most men think graft a sporadic evil, breaking out here and there, with no connection between outbreaks. I shared the same opinion, but very soon I discovered that the graft in the cities always leads to the graft in the State.
    - Lincoln Steffens