Best quotes by Nick Kroll on Funny

Checkout quotes by Nick Kroll on Funny

  • When I was a kid, I would do Andrew Dice Clay jokes for my siblings. Like, we'd be on vacation, and I'd just recite Andrew Dice Clay jokes. They seemed to think that was pretty funny. Then it evolved into 'Wayne's World.'
    - Nick Kroll
  • My friends and family always thought I was pretty funny, but I don't know if they thought I was get-my-own-show funny.
    - Nick Kroll
  • I started doing improv in college, and I met Mike Birbiglia and John Mulaney and a bunch of other very funny, talented people who I'm still friends with and work with.
    - Nick Kroll
  • Between podcasts and places like Funny or Die or CollegeHumor, there are so many venues to get the word out. It makes it difficult in that there's a never-ending desire for content, so you have to constantly be turning stuff out, but that makes you better and more prolific in general.
    - Nick Kroll
  • When you start out, it sometimes feels like you're fighting audiences every night just to prove that you're funny.
    - Nick Kroll
  • When I first got to New York, Comedy Central was the only place to go if you weren't on HBO or network. And then FX, Adult Swim, and other sort of ventures came up, and all of a sudden there were other places to go, and I think Comedy Central is making a concerted effort to become a place where smart, funny weirdoes can come and do their stuff.
    - Nick Kroll
  • I have so many funny friends that I hang out and do bits with, and the fact that we can hire each other is amazing. I asked all of them to help make 'Kroll Show' the best that it can be. I'm selfishly trying to use their funny genius for my own benefit.
    - Nick Kroll