Best quotes by Dennis Prager on World

Checkout quotes by Dennis Prager on World

  • Rather than dividing the world between good and evil, the Left divided the world in terms of economics. Economic classes, not moral values, explained human behavior. Therefore, to cite a common example, poverty, not one's moral value system, or lack of it, caused crime.
    - Dennis Prager
  • Much of the world's moral compass is broken. The moral north reads south and the moral south reads north.
    - Dennis Prager
  • There was a time when liberalism was identified with anti-Communism. But the Vietnam War led liberals into the arms of the Left, which had been morally confused about Communism since its inception and had become essentially pacifist following the carnage of World War I.
    - Dennis Prager
  • The world is a bad place. There are many wonderful people, but on the whole, humanity basically stinks.
    - Dennis Prager
  • Given the amount of unjust suffering and unhappiness in the world, I am deeply grateful for, sometimes even perplexed by, how much misery I have been spared.
    - Dennis Prager
  • Conservatives divide the world in terms of good and evil while liberals do it in terms of the rich and poor.
    - Dennis Prager
  • Africans who immigrate to America know how little racism exists there. They suspect it before emigrating from Africa, and they know it after arriving in America. Indeed, America, the Left's depiction of it notwithstanding, is the least racist country in the world.
    - Dennis Prager
  • Virtually nothing Barack Obama has done has left America or the world better since he became president. Nearly everything he has touched has been made worse.
    - Dennis Prager
  • The Muslim world is threatened by religious fanaticism. The Western world is threatened by secular fanaticism.
    - Dennis Prager
  • If anything, we older people yearn for a peaceful world even more than young people do. We are the ones who lost friends or relatives in some war. We are the ones who have lived a lifetime of seeing and reading about human suffering.
    - Dennis Prager