Best quotes by Leslie Fiedler on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Leslie Fiedler on Knowledge

  • Anybody in the next centuries wanting to know what it was like to be a poet in the middle of the 20th century should read Kaddish.
    - Leslie Fiedler
  • Critics? How do they happen? I know how it happened to me. I would send a poem or story to a magazine and they would say this doesn't suit our needs precisely but on the other hand you sound interesting. Would you be interested in doing a review?
    - Leslie Fiedler
  • Faulkner turned out to be a great teacher. When a student asked a question ineptly, he answered the question with what the student had really wanted to know.
    - Leslie Fiedler
  • Foucault was the one person I met in France that I could talk to. He was a mensch. You know whether you agree with him or not because you know what he is saying.
    - Leslie Fiedler
  • Writers always know whether you like them or not.
    - Leslie Fiedler