Best quotes by Lawrence M. Krauss on Science

Checkout quotes by Lawrence M. Krauss on Science

  • Feynman once said, 'Science is imagination in a straitjacket.' It is ironic that in the case of quantum mechanics, the people without the straitjackets are generally the nuts.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • I cannot stress often enough that what science is all about is not proving things to be true but proving them to be false.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • The illusion of purpose and design is perhaps the most pervasive illusion about nature that science has to confront on a daily basis.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • We should provide the meaning of the universe in the meaning of our own lives. So I think science doesn't necessarily have to get in the way of kind of spiritual fulfillment.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • People are interested in science, but they don't always know they're interested in science, and so I try to find a way to get them interested.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • Science is only truly consistent with an atheistic worldview with regards to the claimed miracles of the gods of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • By no definition of any modern scientist is intelligent design science, and it's a waste of our students' time to subject them to it.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • I don't know if science and reason will ultimately help guide humanity to a better and more peaceful future, but I am certain that this belief is part of what keeps the 'Star Trek' fandom going.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • When a person's religious beliefs cause him to deny the evidence of science, or for whom public policy morphs into a battle with the devil, shouldn't that be a subject for discussion and debate?
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • Formal logic is mathematics, and there are philosophers like Wittgenstein that are very mathematical, but what they're really doing is mathematics - it's not talking about things that have affected computer science; it's mathematical logic.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss
  • I used to read a lot of science fiction when I was younger.
    - Lawrence M. Krauss