Best quotes by Bel Powley on People

Checkout quotes by Bel Powley on People

  • There's so much pressure on young people to go to university when they're 18 or 19, but actually, in the grand scheme of it, I don't think it matters to do it at that time.
    - Bel Powley
  • Most of my really strong friendships are with people I've known all my life.
    - Bel Powley
  • If you're doing something like 'Arcadia' by Tom Stoppard, which has been done millions and millions of times, and it's been played some unbelievably well-respected actors, there's a lot more pressure there. But I try not to think about all the other people who have done it before me. You've got to try and be original.
    - Bel Powley
  • I've been star-struck once. I'm a strong believer that everyone's just a person. Whether you've seen someone on screen do something amazing or they're super famous or whatever, everyone's just a person, and they do exactly what all people do.
    - Bel Powley
  • I hope to teach people that it's fine to make mistakes because they will learn from them, to be who they are, and to learn to love their bodies.
    - Bel Powley
  • I think people get confused: people think 'strong female characters' mean you need to play an action figure.
    - Bel Powley