Best quotes by Lara Fabian on Music

Checkout quotes by Lara Fabian on Music

  • Music was never an obligation for me; from a very young age, I understood it as a moment of freedom where you could express yourself. I realized how much joy it could bring and how much that meant to me.
    - Lara Fabian
  • I had 10 years of lessons at the conservatory in Belgium, studying classical music. I learned how to sing, play the piano, and all the theory that I needed. By the time I left, I had confidence in my skills, and I knew that the experience had prepared me to become a real professional.
    - Lara Fabian
  • You don't have a connection to your fans if they don't have a connection to you and the music.
    - Lara Fabian
  • My greatest influence came from my parents' love of classical music. We listened to a lot of arias and operas growing up.
    - Lara Fabian
  • My music reflects the time on which we live, both in terms of arrangements, as well as in the subjects treated in the lyrics.
    - Lara Fabian
  • I am a woman, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a human being as any other human. I just happen to write songs and perform them, and I am lucky to be able to make a living with my music. Other than that, I smile, laugh, and cry, like any other woman.
    - Lara Fabian
  • I hope people will find sincerity and authenticity in my music.
    - Lara Fabian
  • I never thought music could also bring you personal growth, but it truly has.
    - Lara Fabian