Best quotes by Michael Gerber on Work

Checkout quotes by Michael Gerber on Work

  • Tactical Work is the work you do every day in your business to generate income, along with all of the operational, financial, and management tasks that entails.
    - Michael Gerber
  • No matter what your company does - build, manage, produce, import - as an owner, you can't avoid the hard work and skip straight to success. No class can give you that, no YouTube video can teach it, and no book can mark it off your list.
    - Michael Gerber
  • There are three things that can be organized: time, space, and work. Note that, despite what many believe, you cannot organize people - you can only organize the work that people do.
    - Michael Gerber
  • You can't be the accountant in your accounting firm. You can't cut the grass in your landscaping business. You can't work on the vehicles in your auto repair shop... And you really can't spend all of your time managing those actions, either.
    - Michael Gerber
  • Your first job, as an owner and an entrepreneur, has to be to understand how the business is going to actually work.
    - Michael Gerber
  • The kind of work you do, when you do it, how much of it there is, and who you delegate it to are often the cause of the quasi-schizophrenic behavior seen in many business owners and entrepreneurs.
    - Michael Gerber
  • The more Strategic Work you do, the more effective, productive, and joyful the Tactical Work becomes.
    - Michael Gerber
  • Strategic Work is all about the big questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Tactical Work is all about answers: This is the system we use to do each task. This is how we do it, how we measure it, how we monitor it.
    - Michael Gerber