Best quotes by Kylie Jenner on People

Checkout quotes by Kylie Jenner on People

  • The more people love you, the more there's going to be people that hate you.
    - Kylie Jenner
  • I don't really follow trends - I don't like wearing what other people are wearing. I just like to be original!
    - Kylie Jenner
  • I feel like I've lost so many amazing traits because I've listened to stupid people, ignorant people who are bullies.
    - Kylie Jenner
  • I follow all these fashion blogs that are cool and inspire me. I'm not really obsessed with anyone except for the people that I like romantically. I get excited when they post. Sometimes I like to stalk my exes.
    - Kylie Jenner
  • There is absolutely a side of me that people don't know. I'm not myself on Snapchat or Instagram. That's totally not me.
    - Kylie Jenner
  • I've been picked on my whole entire life, and I feel like I started the IAmMoreThan campaign on Instagram to try to find other people who have been bullied and totally overcame it and did something amazing with it.
    - Kylie Jenner
  • I'm young, and I'm a girl, so, when I post something, I want to see what people are saying or what they think of my photos. I've found it better if you don't read anything and you just always stay off that track.
    - Kylie Jenner
  • If I'm going to see people, I won't wear heavy makeup. It's not attractive on me. When you see those pictures on my Instagram, they are usually for when I'm doing a photo shoot or an interview.
    - Kylie Jenner
  • People flash back to pictures of me when I was 12 and say 'Kylie's so different,' but how can I look the same from 12 -18?
    - Kylie Jenner
  • People have to be sensitive to - I hate using the word 'celebrities' - people in the spotlight. Because there's so much more than what you see on the cover of a magazine.
    - Kylie Jenner
  • I have two really great best friends that are the only people I hang out with. I keep a close circle.
    - Kylie Jenner