Best quotes by Kenneth Cole on People

Checkout quotes by Kenneth Cole on People

  • Every day, we all make the critical decision of what we're going to wear, because many of the people we encounter in a day don't get to know anything more about us than how we present ourselves. That decision - totally on our own terms - is a powerful one.
    - Kenneth Cole
  • People don't always read things the way they are intended.
    - Kenneth Cole
  • My job isn't to tell people what they should wear. My job is to find out what they want and give it to them in a way they didn't quite expect.
    - Kenneth Cole
  • I find that people look to personalize their fashion alternatives.
    - Kenneth Cole
  • My first AIDS campaign was in 1985. There was this dark cloud, everybody was socially inspired - we hadn't seen social consciousness like that since the '60s - but most people were talking about hunger in Africa. Nobody was talking about this really ominous circumstance here in the U.S. because of this fear of stigma.
    - Kenneth Cole
  • Asking people for money is a hard thing to do. But helping people do the right thing is not hard. So I often call people up and suggest ways they can spend their money to make a meaningful impact, and I don't feel I've asked them for money.
    - Kenneth Cole
  • What people are consuming is what things represent. It's people defining themselves through what they wear.
    - Kenneth Cole
  • To the degree you could provoke people and engage them in a unique way, your message is more likely to resonate longer. I figured out the less-than-140-character concept long before Twitter came along.
    - Kenneth Cole